Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

"If I didn't know it was me,'' he says, "I would have been the one digging out the pitchforks and torches and knocking on my door.''

What did you expect? A parade?

In a previous entry, I covered the NYT article about people taking advantage of going into foreclosure. Well apparently these idiots are now pissed off about all the attention they are getting.

Florida Couple Upset At NY Times Mortgage Article

"If I didn't know it was me,'' he says, "I would have been the one digging out the pitchforks and torches and knocking on my door.''

Alex Pemberton

Even the subject of the article admits he understands why people are pissed off at him. So why should they be upset about the storm of negative comments they are getting? Do they think that people would hoist them on their shoulders and parade them all over town?

The Pemberton and Reboyras gamed the system and are now reaping the benefits. But by admitting what they have done in public they have only themselves to blame for the backlash.

They are either ignorant, stupid or just don't care about their surroundings. What they should have done is shut the f**k up. Because by announcing what they did is tantamount of eating an ice cream cone in front of a group of starving children.

In times like this, good fortune, and I use the term loosely for what Pemberton and Reboyras did, is not something one should show to the world. Because one person's cause for joy is another person's cause for resentment. And there is a lot of resentment in the world.

If you got something good going. Keep it to yourself.

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