Sabtu, 28 April 2007

Storm Water

As a County Commissioner I get more calls about drainage problems than about any other problem. Many people are not aware that the Counties in North Carolina are not responsible for drainage along side streets and Highways. This is the responsibility of the department of transportation.
With the current and foreseeable budget problems at the DOT their position is that they are not concerned with standing water and slow drainage in ditches, and unless the water actually comes high enough on the roads so as to present a danger to traffic, they are not concerned with overflowing ditches.
There are several reasons contributing to the NC DOT taking this position.
1. Budget shortfalls
2. The inmate labor that used to help with keeping the ditches clean is harder to come by.
3. Increasing stringent enviromental regulations are preventing keeping feeder streams cleared.
I hate to say it but this problem will continue to get worse, especially in Township 7,where much of the developement is taking place. As more and more inpervious surface replaces what used to be wooded areas the water that is shed will be forced into overtaxed ditches.

Minggu, 15 April 2007

Highway 70 E crossovers

As many residents in Township 7 can attest traffic in the James City area is starting to resemble a large city at certain times of the day. Traffic in the HW 70 corridor from James City to Morehead is expected to double in the next 10 years. You might have noticed DOT working in James City this past week as they will be closing 8 median crossovers. Their stated purpose for these closings will be to enhance safety on the 70 corridor and facilitate the flow of traffic. Two median closings will be replaced with directional left turn lanes that will have a left turn lane that will allow left turns from the highway, but will prevent crossing from the service roads to make a left turn onto the highway. The directional left turns have been funded for the Garner Road intersection and the Grantham Road intersection. I'm told that others will be installed as funding are available and the DOT studies show the need.
The median crossovers that will be completely closed are,
1.Franco's Pizza
2.Williams Nursery
3.Trent Cadillac
4.New Bern Mazda
5.70 East Pawn
6.United Self storage
7.The median east of Fisher Road
8.Kicking Machine before you get to Catfish Road.
The directional left turns will be located
1.Grantham Road.
2.Gardner Road.
The stoplight at the interection of Taberna will be getting a high speed long vehicle detection device installed in the East bound lane only. This device detects if large trucks are going to fast to stop and will keep the light green until they pass. This is suppose to be installed within 3 months.

Sabtu, 07 April 2007

Spring Homes tour in downtown New Bern

Friday, April 13th and Saturday April 14th you are invited to explore the finest Architecture and flora that New Bern, NC has to offer. If you have never taken a homes tour of historic downtown New Bern you don't know what you are missing. Some of the finest architecture, craftsmanship, and design are right here. Tickets are only$15 in advance or $20 on the days of the tour. Call 252 638 8558 for tickets.