I know this has nothing to do with real estate but the next three articles can’t be ignored.
I started playing violin when I started kindergarten, I was with the same violin teacher till I was in Junior High school when I decided to quit. I had a rather rocky relationship with the 4 stringed instrument of death and I was glad to have quit although I still played in the Junior high and high school orchestra.
But I still respect the instrument and will find myself tossing a quarter to a Busker with a Stradivarius.
Which brings me to this article
At an Age for Music and Dreams, Real Life Intrudes
At an Age for Music and Dreams, Real Life Intrudes
Two days before their long-awaited trip to New York City, for many of them a foreign place, the members of the Newark High School Sinfonia noisily gather for rehearsal. The cacophony ends when the first of the first violinists, the best violinist, stands to lead others in tuning to an A.
Her name is Tiffany Clay and she is 18, with light brown hair tied in a ponytail and large eyes that always seem at the edge of tears. She has been on her own, more or less, since she was 16, and the violin in her delicate hands was bought for $175 on eBay by her music teacher.
She is a complicated young woman, says that teacher, and a gifted musician. Consistently at or near the very top of her class. Should be going to a top college, on scholarship. Should be, but won’t be, because she feels a need to make money more than music.
Ms. Clay is a child of her age and place, worried about being laid off, uninterested in and maybe even afraid of imagining a life beyond central Ohio. Newark is what she knows: a pleasant, bifurcated city of 45,000, where concerns about unemployment temper the pride in local public art, and where affluence and poverty sit side-by-side in the classroom.
She once explored the idea of going away to college to become a music teacher. But it just didn’t seem practical: spending four years studying the theory of music, which doesn’t interest her, while here in Newark, the school system is constantly adapting to real and threatened cuts.
Music programs always seem among the first to go, she says. No job security in Tchaikovsky.
This is a hard working young girl who has gone beyond showing promise she is a f**king prodigy. And it is a miracle she has gotten this far in her life.
The short life story Ms. Clay tells is of an adulthood come too soon, of parents splitting up when she was young, of a mother gone to another city, of a father, an electrician, dogged by employment uncertainties. She and her father clashed so often, she says, that she moved out at 16, got a job and tried to figure out life — rent, work, school, some health issues — on her own.
She returned after a year but left again several months later, for good, though she is in touch with her parents, and talks often of wanting to be around in case they ever need her.
While working full time at the Sonic, she has also maintained superior grades, taken several Advanced Placement courses and distanced herself from classmates. She bristles when some of them talk of what they have spent at the Easton Town Center mall — “That’s a month’s rent,” she wants to say — but at the same time she admits to feeling jealous: “I want — that!”
Now wearing a yellow Sonic golf shirt and a Tiffany C. nameplate, Ms. Clay leaves to make $7.35 an hour, plus tips; it will be a long night. “Kids are in school during the week,” she explains. “They leave at 9, and I stay until after 11.”
Soon she is gliding on roller skates beneath neon reds and yellows that grow more garish as dusk descends. Spinning, speeding, stopping with effortless grace, she balances plastic trays of sweet and greasy food with those delicate hands. Her mastery of yet another world, this Sonic world, means she is again employee of the month, entitling her to a month of free meals.
Ms. Clay comes from a broken home and has to work at a Sonic to make ends meet. She is employee of the month not because she wants to be the best because she does not want to starve.
With adversity like this, it would have been understandable if she threw in the towel and just settled for whatever came her way, but she did not. With the help of some very generous people she went forward to bloom.
Now at a cross roads, she is looking at nursing, nothing wrong with that, as a career rather than music. Money is on her mind and considering her background, I can’t begrudge for thinking like that.
Whatever Ms. Clay chooses my hope is that she is happy. She serves an example of overcoming adversity and the status quo
By now everyone has heard of this little con artist. IF you haven't, read the links below.
Hipster Grifter Guilty of Conning Fellow Hipsters
Hipster Grifter Kari Ferrell's Victims Speak Out!
Stories about her rolling all over the place about all sorts of illegal douchebaggery. From what I understand her home was a little better than Ms. Clay’s, yet here she is on her way in being profiled on America’s Most Wanted.
I have no sympathy for this young lady. She could have bettered herself without acting this manner but she chose to walk this path.
Although I am not a big fan of grifters I have to give them a grudging respect in how they play the game however how Kari conducted herself was neither clever nor original. I think Angelica Huston would beat her with a chair out of principle.
Also it is beyond low to claim you have cancer in order to take advantage of others.
This is from SushmitaCaepio from Gawker
Ironically enough...
I do have cancer.
I've been battling it off, and on, for the past 5 years. When it is in remission, I have a normal life. When it flares back up, I am effing miserable.
I have a great employer who understands that when I'm healthy, that I will give my all, and when I'm sick, I give what I can. I've survived a few rounds of layoffs, and I'm generally well accepted within my peers.
I've refused to let my wife, or anyone else take pictures of me when I'm in the hospital. I don't mind it if people come and visit me, but, I don't want their sympathy -- I want their well-wishes.
People who abuse, and scam the system like that make me sick.
Turn yourself in Kari, nothing good will come out of you dragging this out. At least in jail you will find the resources you need to straighten yourself out. The road to redemption will be long and hard but you are still young enough weather the storm.
Now the following is an injustice beyond words.
High School Cheer Coach Fired After Posing Nude
She posed nude and now is out of a job. CBS13 went to Casa Robles High School to find out about the cheerleading coach turned Playboy centerfold.
"The girls are supposed to look up their coaches," says one concerned parent.
She bared all, all over the internet. Casa Robles High School officials in Orangevale confirm with CBS13 that their girl's cheerleading coach, Carlie Christine, was the one who posed nude in a playboy centerfold.
Christine is also Playboy's 'cyber girl of the week.'
For obvious reasons we can only show a few of many provocative poses from Playboy.
Parents and some students, who did not want to be identified, exposed the coach to school officials after rumors started slowly getting out that she had posed nude.
"I think it's unacceptable. It's not fair," says Jamye Curtis.
What apparently uncovered the coach was when some girls didn't make the cheerleading squad because they had a few unexcused absences from school. Their parents then made copies of Christine and dropped the pictures on the principal's desk.
Christine was then fired from her position at Casa Robles High School.
"And I was in shock that I knew the girls had seen it and knew about it," a parent told CBS13.
A lot of parents and faculty are talking and looking.
It is a damn good thing that I am not a student of this high school because I would put flamethrower to this place. Wracked with puberty and hormones, my fifteen year old body be gathering up spear and shield to hunt down the stupid wenches who outed Carlie Christine.
What pisses me off is that Carlie Christine did not do anything illegal. She was not doing drugs, banging freshman boys or engaging in any conduct unbecoming of a teacher. She posed naked for playboy. Oh s**t that is scandal. In an age where people send sexual acts through PDAs and make sex tapes on a daily baiss, what she did on her own personal time was tame in comparison.
Carlie Christine was outed because she did her job. Those stupid harpies were not allowed on the cheer squad because of unexcused absences. Apparently facing the consequences of your actions is not a popular topic among the families of these girls. Instead of sucking it up they decided to take it out on Carlie.
The school administration are a bunch of f**ktards. Having Carlie Christine would have been a gold mine. Student attendance would have shot through the roof, cheer leading would have been extremely popular. That type of popularity gets you more tax money and in this economy every school is scrounging for money. All they have done now is increase the rate of blue balls amongst the male population.
All kidding aside, those girls who ratted their coach out are so uncool for what they did. In fact it would not surprise me if they are stigmatized by the rest of the student body. By posing in Playboy, Carlie became one of the faculty members with street cred. Those girls are going to be spending many a lonely weekend gorging on Ben and Jerry's and watch DVDs of Sex and the City.
I hope Carlie sues and gets a fat settlement. She deserves at least that for losing her pension.
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