Robert Guskind's Gowanus Lounge was the conscience of Brooklyn. His words expressed what others felt and encouraged them to speak their mind. He called it the way he saw it whether others liked it or not, he was a man of honesty.

Braden Keil had the reputation of being a reporter's reporter. From the stories I read about him no real estate story could hide from him. David Gregory should count his blessings that Braden never went political because he would have easily had been a shoo in as a replacement for Tim Russert.

Natasha Richardson will be remembered as once of the greatest actresses to grace the stage and screen. But for her family and friends it would not surprising to any of us if they remember her greatest accomplishments as wife, mother and friend.
These 3 people all had one thing in common. They were beloved by all. Not only by family and friends but by people who never even met them but knew them through their work. The most bitter sweet aspect of someone passing away is that no one ever really knows how much of an impact they have had on others until people walk into the light.
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