The Honor Guard
Like my reaction to Fedor Emelianenko's over hand knock out of Andre Arlovski, I am absolutely surprised that I was included in the New York Times article titled And the Blog Goes On . I am proud to be in the same company as Curbed.com, Brownstoner.com, UrbanDigs.com, TrueGotham.com and The Matrix .
The people behind these blogs are absolutely amazing individuals not only for providing great information and insight about real estate but the amount of heart they put in when they write. I am also very happy that these particular blogs are getting the exposure they deserve.
Although I was interviewed for this article, I was unsure if I was going to be included in the line up which I will explain later in a future entry. I realize this is not such a big deal especially with what is going on in the world, but the fact I am mentioned in a New York Times article is quite humbling. It is nice to have a little recognition.
Samantha Storey has written an excellent article regarding the state of the real estate blog in the current market climate and in my next entry I plan on elaborating further on my response which you will notice was quite succinct. There is a lot more behind what she wrote about me that I would like to explain however I want to make it clear, I am quite satisfied in what was presented.
In the meantime, for those of you who are new to the Propertygrunt below are a list of entries of familiarize yourselves with I will start off with the one that was mentioned in the article.
A recent entry, he said, “was about how brokers kept using the word ‘confidence’ after the dismal fourth-quarter market reports.” He lampooned brokers’ use of the word, and wrote seven sizzling paragraphs in boldface capital letters to get his point across.
Broker CONfidence
Here are some recent ones.
Know your role and shut your mouth.
A blizzard of falling knives
Jim Cramer is a douche bag
Another great moment in real estate marketing
Another great moment in real estate marketing
All eyes on NYU
This is my Scarsdale Coverage
SCARSDALE IS F**KED!: Scarsdale launches the charm offensive.
Scarsdale passes gas
Queens or Scarsdale Part 2
Queens or Scarsdale Part 3: The Final Countdown
Below are my oldies yet goldies
Holy Grail? More like Holy S**t
Holy Grail? More like Holy S**t Part 2
Poachers beware: I will beat you with a chair
Thanks again for coming by. I am switching the comment sections so it allows easier access so feel free to comment.
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