She can't be stopped.
Here's some news from Kelly Kreth.
I am writing to let you know I just signed Previsite as my newest client. If you are unfamiliar with Previsite, I have pasted in their recent launch release. Previsite is an international company that just opened offices in NYC, but provides their technology to the real estate industry throughout the US. It provides agents (and FSBOs) cost-effective, all-in-one-technology to create virtual tours. They have created a special lens for cameras that allows agents to create a virtual tour in must minutes for a fraction of the cost that it usually would take to hire a service to put one together. Further, they also provide a site where all sales/rentals listings can be viewed by potential customers. In such a volatile real estate market, owners and agents are trying their hardest to sell their homes in the most efficient, cost-effective manner.
Below is the press release.
Rich Media Content Leader Delivers Cost-Effective, All-in-One Technology,
Advanced Virtual Tour Solution for Real Estate Industry
New York, NY – According to a recent study by Ipsos Research, 62 percent of online home shoppers want to view a virtual tour before making contact with a real estate agent. But for the realtor, providing that experience -- i.e. a virtual tour -- has been challenging, not to mention costly and time-consuming to produce. Until now. In an effort to help brokers and their agents save time and increase their efficiency by giving home shoppers a better online experience, more relevant searches and the interactive content they crave, Previsite, the worldwide leader in rich media content creation for the Real Estate industry, today announces its expansion into the United States.
Headquartered in France, Previsite has rapidly grown into a multinational corporation since its inception in 2000, conducting business in 22 countries throughout Europe, Asia and now, North America.
Previsite’s state-of-the-art all-in-one package comes with a digital camera kit and allows the Realtor to take pictures quickly and easily. The package includes Web-based software to create, manage and showcase countless virtual tours, instantly. Typically, Realtors spend anywhere from $100 to $200 per tour and need a professional to produce them. Not anymore.
“We’re going to dramatically change the way consumers see real estate, and help make selling homes much easier for the over 1.3 million real estate agents in the U.S.,” said Jeffrey Nortman, managing director, Previsite North America. “Because home shoppers often start their search for a home online, one of the most important assets to any Real Estate office is its Web site. Now more than ever, it’s important brokers and agents have the rich, engaging content consumers seek. Our solution actually saves them money and helps them create professional, high-quality tours for the Web. This will help to drive traffic, create stickiness on their own sites, and generate better leads from prospects.”
With the Previsite Virtual Tour Solution, no formal training is required and the process takes just three simple steps: take the photos, upload the images and share it with the world. Agents simply attach the patented Previsite magnetic fish-eye lens to the digital camera and take a single photo from a room’s entranceway to capture a wide-angle, 180-degree detailed view – from floor to ceiling. Then the agent uploads the images to a PC, and the Previsite solution Web-based application does the rest. Instantly and automatically, a unique Web page (URL) featuring an automated video-like virtual tour, a photo slideshow and an interactive map, is created. This page can then be integrated into any Web site, emailed and/or burned onto a CD for easy transport. It is that simple.
Here are just some of the ways the Previsite Virtual Tour Solution benefits Realtors (brokers and agents):
Ø Provides agents with the best marketing tools available
Ø Increases Web traffic, thereby boosting revenues while saving time for agents
Ø Increases efficiency by giving prospects a better overview of the property before showing it
Ø Gives agents more autonomy – putting the control of the virtual tour in their hands
Ø Saves firm significant money by investing in an all-in-one virtual tour solution
Ø Helps firm gain market share with minimum investment
For the real estate agent, the Previsite Solution helps:
Ø Increase the number of prospects through high quality virtual tour-enhanced listings
Ø Sell properties at a higher price; an increase in visitors leads to an increase in demand
Ø Offer a better service to both buyers and sellers
Ø Save time (for both themselves and potential prospects) by viewing the of a home before setting a foot inside
Ø Provide a unique, detailed look to all available listings
Ø Respond quickly to better meet the needs of customers
Ø Create listings under their control, as they like and when they like
For further information on Previsite, visit www.Previsite.com.
About Previsite
Previsite is the world leader in rich media content creation for the Real Estate market with over 700,000 online ads created using Previsite Web 2.0 Solution. Working in 22 countries, Previsite has grown from a startup in 2000 into a multinational corporation. Headquartered in France, with offices in Tokyo and New York, Previsite continues its expansion by developing new services and technologies for real estate ads. For more information, visit www.previsite.com.
I am quite curious to see how this company fares. I can see a ton FSBOS taking advantage of this technology and creating their own sites. Agents will also need to ante up since New York Times ads are just not cutting it these days.
Btw, this will be the last entry of my blog. Why? I am just tired of writing about real estate and instead will focus on my true passion: Civil War Figures made of pewter.
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