All sorts of naughty thoughts started to swirl in my mind. Then I am reminded myself that I am a Kelly Kreth man. I have nothing against Julia Allison, although she reminds me of the girls I have known in my life who would often get what they wanted by manipulating their body language in a fraternizing manner and wearing tight jeans. Ahhh, high school, how I have grown to hate you. Yes. Julia Allison is a media trollop. But she is a damn good one and she knows how to work it.
While we are on the subject of bad taste, I definitely have to throw in this Eliot Spitzer joke I got from Peter David.
It is something that Clayton Bigsby would come up with.

This just in...(tasteless joke warning)
New York governor Eliot Spitzer has tendered his resignation due to his involvement in a prostitution ring. David Paterson, the lieutenant governor, will assume office.
When Paterson, who is legally blind, was asked how he felt being the first Black governor of New York, Paterson was quoted as saying, "Wait...I'm Black? Seriously? Are you putting me on?" Paterson professed to be completely surprised by the revelation, and when reporters expressed incredulity that he was unaware of his skin color, Paterson said, "What part of 'legally blind' is unclear?"
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