It was well worth it, not because it was a good movie but because of the Dark Knight trailer.

That movie will be so amazing. And now I am watching The Stand on the Sci Fi channel.
Although I would like to discuss the current New York Times Article instead I would like to offer some suggestions for the last minute holiday shoppers.
First off is Ali Rogers most excellent book Diary of a Real Estate Rookie.

It is a brilliant, well thought book that details her maiden voyage in real estate. I recommend it not only for its educational value but also as a really great book to curl up to during the winter.
Another person who I also think very highly of is Frances Flynn Thorsen of the Realty Gram Blogger. Frances not only has one but two books on real estate. One is on HUD homes, the other is on real estate sales. If you have the desire to expand your knowledge on residential real estate and the government, she is definitely the go to person for that.

Last but not least is are those lovely Gawker Media people.

Some people call them a bunch of snarky media bloggers, but they are my snarky media bloggers and they have given me nothing but love. So I am going to plug their book The Gawker Guide to Conquering All Media
Have a Happy and Healthy!
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